Friday, December 10, 2010

Winter Herbs, Deers & Cedars

Well mother earth has fallen to sleep in our neck of the woods. The my heat loving herbs have fallen asleep until the spring and the those that embrace the cold look lively and green. I look out my window and see that I am still surrounded by my green pharmacy and herbal allies. The cilantro, dill, sage, oregano, wild majoram, tansy, comfrey, st. john's wort, wormwood, chickweed, dandelion and nettle are still drawing me out of the warm house into the garden to visit with them. The greenhouse is full of warm loving plants nestled together weathering the winter and waiting for the warmer days to come. My husband has started his veggie seedlings, his spinach and lettuce are doing fine. I am excited about my baby passionflower, motherwort and poppy plants that are doing great. My wild yam, goldenseal roots and ginseng roots are nestled in the warm earth in our woods. I am anticipating their arrival in the spring, although they tell me the goldenseal is a longshot...I have faith. You can see the Cedars now as the decidious trees have fallen asleep and their past years leaves are gone. Their deep evergreen folliage gives the feel of Christmas. Looking out the window I see deer eating the chickweed and being drawn to the green herb garden, only to be disappointed by the smell. The red birds fly down into the creek to get a drink and chase each other through out the woods. They stand out boldly against the evergreens. The wood's are a magical place to live, I can honestly say that the city could never again offer me what I have experienced living in the country.

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